Una Paloma Blanca - Language Hub

Learning Dutch

What new language would you like to learn?






Mandarin Chinese




A1, A2, maybe B1?











Type of course
A group course, duo or private

Regular Group

Duo course

Private course

Efficient course

Intensive course

Rdam, Eindh, or Online?




Type of course

Regular Group

Duo course

Private course

Intensive course

















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Russian A1

Regular Group

kick off 17 / 10 / 2024

Thursday's - 14h to 15:30

Lesson begins at 14:00h / ends at 15:30h
French A1

Regular Group

kick off 14 / 10 / 2024

Monday's - 18h to 19:30

Lesson begins at 18:00h / ends at 19:30h
Dutch A1

Regular Group

kick off 04 / 11 / 2024

Monday's - 18:30 to 20h

Lesson begins at 18:30h / ends at 20:00h
Spanish A1

Regular Group

kick off 01 / 11 / 2024

Friday's - 19:30 to 21h

Lesson begins at 19:30h / ends at 21:00h
Portuguese A1

Regular Group

kick off 05 / 11 / 2024

Tuesday's - 19h to 20:30

Lesson begins at 19:00h / ends at 20:30h
Dutch A1

Regular Group

kick off 06 / 11 / 2024

Wednesday's - 17:30 to 19h

Lesson begins at 17:30h / ends at 19:00h
Dutch A1

Regular Group

kick off 09 / 10 / 2024

Wednesday's - 17:30 to 19h

Lesson begins at 17:30h / ends at 19:00h
Dutch A1

Regular Group

kick off 10 / 10 / 2024

Thursday's - 19h to 20:30

Lesson begins at 19:00h / ends at 20:30h
Dutch A1

Regular Group

kick off 17 / 10 / 2024

Thursday's - 18h to 19:30

Lesson begins at 18:00h / ends at 19:30h
Dutch A1

Regular Group

kick off 16 / 11 / 2024

Saturday's - 10h to 11:30

Lesson begins at 10:00h / ends at 11:30h
Dutch A1

Regular Group

kick off 06 / 11 / 2024

Wednesday's - 19h to 20:30

Lesson begins at 19:00h / ends at 20:30h
German A1

Regular Group

kick off 08 / 10 / 2024

Tuesday's - 19:30 to 21h

Lesson begins at 19:30h / ends at 21:00h
English A1

Intensive Group

kick off 09 / 12 / 2024

10h to 13:30

Lesson begins at 10:00h / ends at 13:30h
Italian A1

Regular Group

kick off 17 / 10 / 2024

Thursday's - 18h to 19:30

Lesson begins at 18:00h / ends at 19:30h
Dutch A1

Intensive Group

kick off 09 / 12 / 2024

10h to 13:30

Lesson begins at 10:00h / ends at 13:30h
Dutch A1+

Regular Group

kick off 07 / 10 / 2024

Monday's - 19:30 to 21h

Lesson begins at 19:30h / ends at 21:00h
Dutch A1+

Intensive Group

kick off 16 / 12 / 2024

10h to 13:30

Lesson begins at 10:00h / ends at 13:30h
English A1+

Intensive Group

kick off 16 / 12 / 2024

10h to 13:30

Lesson begins at 10:00h / ends at 13:30h
Dutch A2

Regular Group

kick off 16 / 11 / 2024

Saturday's - 11:30 to 13h

Lesson begins at 11:30h / ends at 13:00h
Dutch A2

Regular Group

kick off 16 / 10 / 2024

Wednesday's - 19h to 20:30

Lesson begins at 19:00h / ends at 20:30h
French A2

Regular Group

kick off 09 / 10 / 2024

Wednesday's - 19h to 20:30

Lesson begins at 19:00h / ends at 20:30h
Dutch A2

Regular Group

kick off 19 / 11 / 2024

Tuesday's - 19:30 to 21h

Lesson begins at 19:30h / ends at 21:00h
Dutch A2

Intensive Group

kick off 09 / 12 / 2024

10h to 13:30

Lesson begins at 10:00h / ends at 13:30h
English A2

Regular Group

kick off 07 / 10 / 2024

Monday's - 20:30 to 22h

Lesson begins at 20:30h / ends at 22:00h
Dutch B1

Regular Group

kick off 10 / 10 / 2024

Thursday's - 18:30 to 20h

Lesson begins at 18:30h / ends at 20:00h
Dutch B1

Regular Group

kick off 16 / 10 / 2024

Wednesday's - 20:30 to 22h

Lesson begins at 20:30h / ends at 22:00h
English B1

Intensive Group

kick off 09 / 12 / 2024

10h to 13:30

Lesson begins at 10:00h / ends at 13:30h
English B1

Conversational Group

kick off 24 / 10 / 2024

Thursday's - 17:30 to 19h

Lesson begins at 17:30h / ends at 19:00h
English B1+

Intensive Group

kick off 16 / 12 / 2024

10h to 13:30

Lesson begins at 10:00h / ends at 13:30h
Dutch B1+

Regular Group

kick off 04 / 12 / 2024

Wednesday's - 19h to 20:30

Lesson begins at 19:00h / ends at 20:30h


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learn dutch

Hablado por más de 23 millones de personas en todo el mundo, el holandés es una fantástica mezcla de lo antiguo y lo nuevo. Tan pronto como pronuncie su primera palabra en holandés, habrá comenzado su integración en la sociedad holandesa, aprendiendo todo sobre este increíble país y su rica historia.

El holandés puede ser un idioma complicado, así que lo desglosamos en partes más fáciles de aprender. Para darte una idea, estas son algunas de las cosas que se incluye en nuestros niveles: en A1 aprenderá a presentarse, hablar de tu rutina, aficiones y la familia, los colores y la gramática básica holandesa. En A2 avanzamos y comenzamos a hablar sobre el pasado y el futuro, aprendemos a usar frases más complejas con prefijos y usando `er´, y nos sumergimos en la cultura holandesa. ¡Aprendiendo mientras hablamos!

En los niveles intermedios expandimos nuestro conocimiento de holandés, usado sinónimos en el B1 y aprendiendo más sobre los tiempos verbales del holandés y cómo lo usamos para describir el tiempo y cuándo sucedieron las cosas. También leeremos artículos reales, escucharemos música holandesa y discutiremos aspectos sogueas y culturales de vivir en Países Bajos. ¡Todo en holandés!

En el nivel B2, ¡es hora de ser técnico! En este nivel aprenderás a manipular tu holandés usando una variedad de palabras y estructuras gramaticales. En este nivel vamos a aprender a usar las expresiones también, ya que son gran del idioma.

En los niveles avanzados te convertirás en un experto del idioma. En el C1 habrás superado el holandés cotidiano y ahora aprenderás el holandés en un contexto formal, así como también, el lenguaje idiomático. Tener tal comprensión del idioma significa que está listo para cualquier situación y cualquier llamada para que use en holandés.

El C2 es nivel más alto, utilizado para comprender y producir textos académicos y legales sin errores. En este nivel tu comprensión y amplitud del holandés estará tan desarrollado que podrás ayudar a los hablantes nativos a mejorar los textos. En este nivel estarás altamente cualificado para una educación superior en holandés.

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El curso incluye

Each course is developed around our very own material, written and designed by our teachers. You'll also receive full access to UPB Brain Training, so your learning can continue outside of the classroom.


Los 6 pasos para empezar tus clases en UPB

Los 6 pasos

1. Encuentra tu curso

Consulte en nuestra página web los diferentes cursos que ofrecemos y encuentre uno que se adapte a su nivel, objetivos y necesidades.

2. Da el salto

Inscríbete en un curso a través de nuestra tienda web, o envíanos un mensaje rápido y te proporcionaremos toda la información que necesites sobre el curso.

3. Regrístrate

Una vez que hayas aceptado nuestra propuesta, te inscribiremos en el curso de idiomas que hayas elegido. ¡Ahora ya estás oficialmente inscrito!

4. Unirte

En clases de idiomas divertidas, interactivas y creativas, nuestros experimentados profesores llevarán sus habilidades lingüísticas al siguiente nivel.

5. Completar

¡Yupi! Has terminado el curso. ¡Enhorabuena! Después de completar tu curso en Una Paloma Blanca nos complace entregarte un certificado de participación

6. Continuar

¿No está preparado para dejar de aprender? ¿Quiere elevar sus habilidades al siguiente nivel? Eso es estupendo. Una Paloma Blanca estará encantada de ayudarte a continuar tus estudios.

Se dice por allí

  • Casper


    Because I work in a department where English skills are very important to communicate with clients, I decided to follow a private intensive English course where I could quickly brush up my English knowledge and bring my writing and speaking skills to a C1 level. I liked most that the team of teacherRead mores immediately understood my needs and they focused on my preferences helping me achieving my goals in no time.Read less

  • Varvara



    I’m writing to thank you very much for the course you’ve organised for Egor. I was really surprised when, firstly, he agreed to do something like that on holiday, secondly, when after the first day with you he wasn’t incredibly tired as I would have expected, on the contrary, very excited. WheRead moren you asked us to speak only English during the week, I thought, ok, we’ll see! 😊 But, in fact, every time when I being forgetful say something in Russian, Egor says: “I’m sorry, Mum, I don’t understand you!” Moreover, in the evening on Monday he asked me to help him with his homework! What have you done?! 😊 How could you manage?! 😊 He never does his homework at school, maybe, during the break time before the lesson starts if the teacher is strict enough! 😊 I’m really impressed by the teaching skills of you! Thank you very much! It’s very important for me. I’ve wanted to introduce Egor to this kind of studying for a long time. He’s been never interested until now. As I told you, I’ve done a lot of language courses in England. I love it, I miss it very much. I’m happy that Egor seems to like it too. I think that in spite of the fact he’s doing a short course he’s going to have a great breakthrough in his English studies.Read less

  • Arianna


    I had already a very good English level before I got lessons from the teachers of Una Paloma Blanca, but after following the Business English Program at the language school, I noticed my confidence with the language increased quite a lot, specially when it came to speeches and team presentations. ThRead moreank you very much for all your help!Read less

  • Raluca


    Speaking is always the most challenging part of any new language, and with Dutch it feels even more difficult for me personally... I just can't gather the courage to try and verbalise sentences, but I am aware it’s maybe the most important part of becoming fluent. That’s what I most appreciate iRead moren our teacher at Una Paloma Blanca - however broken we may speak, she's always encouraging, fun and has a friendly, empathetic way of correcting us. That’s highly important to keep the motivation going and practice even outside the group, in real life.Read less

  • Chetna



    Being a marketer in a foreign country comes with its own set of challenges. Knowing the local language is not just a plus but a prerequisite. Hence, soon after I arrived in the Netherlands, I started my hunt for a language class. After scouting for days, I stumbled upon Una Paloma Blanca’s creativRead moree website. A couple of email conversations later, I found myself at their Eindhoven facility. I loved the vibe and decided to give it a shot. Soon after, it became a home away from home for me as I formed instant friendships within my group. Their one-of-a-kind learning material (an illustrative book that you would not want to put down) and immersive lessons helped me learn the language quicker than I had anticipated. Furthermore, it aided my understanding of the cultural nuances in the Dutch society that gave me an edge in interviews and formal conversations. I cannot thank my teacher enough (who went above and beyond every time) for her constant motivation and support. To all the fellow expats looking for a fun way to learn Dutch, I say go for it!Read less

  • Erick


    Learning a new language is challenging and Dutch is no different. Learning how to speak confidently and have day to day conversations in Dutch as an expat is challenging. During the summer course what I liked the most was that we focused on the message we were trying to convey and how to properly saRead morey it instead of only correcting us. The balance between study material and outside activities makes the course not feel as intensive and actually makes it fun. The teachers also did a good job encouraging us and motivating us into starting conversations. For anyone looking to improve their vocabulary and gain confidence in conversing in Dutch I really recommend Una Paloma Blanca’s summer courses.Read less

  • Oana



    Learning Dutch is hard enough, but without the right, dedicated teacher, it would be impossible for someone to learn. I have been studying at Una Paloma Blanca for almost 3 years. I find spoken Dutch the most difficult part, because the Dutch people have a certain accent which is not easy to learn. Read moreHowever, the teachers are so nice at this school and they encourage you to practice every time even if you don't speak perfectly... and basically, this is the whole point of following a Dutch course.... TO LEARN! This is what I always appreciate about my teacher: her teaching style, the way of explaining grammar to me, the empathy that she always shows me (not only to my broken speech). My teacher makes me feel part of this family. It is highly important to have the right teacher for your needs, who knows how to keep you motivated in this process of learning a new language all while integrating into Dutch society. Read less

  • Jorge González



    I love the flexibility of UPB, how supportive the teachers and workers are and how easy they made it to learn a new language. They are helping me a lot with my difficulties learning Dutch and allowing me to communicate with people in fluent Dutch.

  • Bruno



    As polyglot, learning languages is my main hobby and for that reason I am always looking for the best teachers to boost my language skills! When I moved to my new life in Rotterdam I was so happy to see that there was a language academy just 3 minutes away from my house with all my languages, even Read moreRussian! I made a good decision in trusting Una Paloma Blanca to take my Dutch and Russian to the next level and the results are amazing: Currently I am able to work in Dutch and I can handle conversations in Russian Read less

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